What Are Biblical Investments And Their Types

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Today, most investors need professional assistance when deciding what to invest in, how much to invest, and how long to fund it. This applies to devout christians looking to make biblical investments too. However, it is essential to understand the biblical worldview of every investment opportunity that comes one way. 

It is crucial to understand which investments align well with the bible and which are not. But, this can be a complex task, as the investment market is practically a broken place. Segregating good from evil is becoming difficult with every passing day. 

Here is a guide to biblical investments, types, and how to build a portfolio.


What Are Biblical Investments?

Biblical investments are a type of investment meant to grow money, but the objective and process are bible-aligned. Your decisions for investing and growing your money are aligned with christian values.  It is what a biblical investing approach is. 

It is not a new approach, as many popular ideas like socially responsible investing and ESG have stemmed from biblical investing principles. In this way of investing, you will have to root out the negatives from the cause and effect of investment. Anything that grows your money by adding negativity in society is not biblically aligned. 


Types Of Biblical Investments 

Today, you can find some of the best experts who provide constant advice on finding biblical investment options. Some of the investment options are:

  • Biblical funds by financial companies
  • shares and stocks of companies that serve the society positively
  • Managed models of investment 
  • ETFs

Knowing about the business and its operations is crucial when you plan to invest in any fund or shares. There are different things that you should keep in mind while screening the companies:

  • The investment and business model should serve and not exploit.
  • The proceedings and the process should be ethical.
  • Energy and resources should be used sustainably.
  • The process of running the said business should not harm the environment. 
  • The funds and the companies should impact the community positively. 
  • The products and services produced by the company you invested in should not harm the consumers. 
  • Companies should treat their employees positively.
  • They should not promote any harmful behavior like racism, addiction, homophobia, gambling, etc. 
  • The company should abide by human rights and should not take part in any form of discrimination, slavery, child labor, etc. 


Building A Portfolio

Building a portfolio means selecting your biblical investments carefully as per christian beliefs. The money you have should be put into investments to help people grow. It should help better people’s lives and eradicate bad influences from society. It is the reason why you should choose your investment avenues carefully.

You can get experts and financial advisors to help screen out the biblically inclined investment opportunities. It is seen that bible-inclined avenues tend to underperform. But, with the knowledge, continuous screening, and active participation, risks can be lowered over time. 

Biblical investments help bring your christian faith and money growing objective on the same page. You can choose relevant investment options that will help you become rich and help serve society. 

